Showing posts with label Hot Tub. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hot Tub. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

The Bachelor: I May Be White, But I'm Still A Minority

Full disclosure, I will only be recapping the first hour of last night’s three hour marathon tonight. There is no way I have enough brain power this late in the season to watch three hours of The Bachelor, write about the show, and remember to keep breathing. Don’t worry- the Women Tell All recap will be up tomorrow.

60 minutes of this goon is more than enough for me, thank you very much.

The episode began with Raven leaving her fantasy suite after a night with Nick.  To this point, Raven has not been shy about her sex life, reminiscing about the time she beat her ex with his mistress’ stiletto or the fact that the same ex never managed to make her orgasm. While leaving Nick’s bungalow, however, Raven suddenly found her modesty, saying, “Nick is very good at what he does,” and “I left satisfied.” What the hell is that, Raven? I was counting on you for specifics! Foreplay, moves, precise penis measurements: these were all things Bachelor Nation was counting on you to provide! Meanwhile, you’re over here treating this relationship with respect and discretion. No thanks.

After Raven left, Nick went on his second date of the week with Rachel. The two attempted to cross country ski, which was an unmitigated disaster. I’m sure at some point Rachel managed to travel more than six feet without toppling into the snow, but we never saw it on the show. After her umpteenth fall, Rachel defends herself, saying “I’ve never done this before!” While that may be true, Rachel also went to school in Wisconsin, so there’s basically no excuse for not being mobile in the snow.

At dinner, Rachel tells Nick about how hard it is for her to share her feelings. After some encouragement, both liquid and verbal, Rachel is eventually goaded into telling Nick that she is falling in love with him. Having said the magic words, Nick and Rachel rush off to the fantasy suite to enjoy some private time. I can’t help but think the beauty of this moment was undercut by the preexisting knowledge that Nick will dump Rachel soon.

I know I say this every year, but I'm legitimately excited for next season.

The final date of the evening went to Vanessa and it truly was one of the more confusing things I have see on The Bachelor. The two briefly warmed up in a sauna before running out into the snow and jumping into a frozen lake. After only a few seconds in the freezing water, Nick and Vanessa scampered back into the sauna to warm up, only to jump back into the freezing water again… and again… and again. This was deeply satisfying to watch in a schadenfreude sort of way.

Once the pair was finally out of the water for good, Nick and Vanessa went to dinner. After briefly talking politely and quietly about what big and boisterous personalities they have, Nick asked Vanessa if she was willing to compromise in the relationship. Vanessa quickly says no and asks if Nick was willing to accept her “three-hour Sunday tradition.” At first, I thought Vanessa was asking Nick to come to church with her. But as it turns out, she was asking him to come to lunch with her family. I honestly don’t know which sounds worse.

Both Nick and Vanessa continued to bring up huge obstacles in their relationship throughout the night. The couple can’t seem to determine where they should live, who they should spend time with, or what they should do for a living. At this point, it wouldn’t surprise me if one of these two forgot the other’s name, that’s how little they know about each other.

After listing off everything wrong with their relationship, Nick again compliments himself and Vanessa on having “big personalities” and offers her a night in the fantasy suite. She accepts because, like Nick, Vanessa does not seem to have a functional understanding of what a healthy relationship is.

I miss the days when Vanessa was the voice of reason.

At the season’s penultimate rose ceremony, Nick wastes no time in eliminating Rachel. Despite coercing her into saying she was “falling in love with him”, Nick did not seem to have a problem sending her home mere days later. I don’t hold a grudge against Nick or Rachel for what they did, but I will always hate The Bachelor for pulling shit like this on a consistent basis.

With only Raven and Vanessa left, it will be interesting to see where Nick’s final rose lies. Will it stupidly be with a woman 12-years his junior, or will it stupidly be with a woman with whom he shares no beliefs, values, or citizenship? I’d say I can’t wait to find out, but I’m pretty sure no matter what happens, I’ll leave disappointed.

Keep an eye out tomorrow evening for the Women Tell All recap!

Gossip Squirrel

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

The Bachelor Finale: My Head Is A Mess

Before I even begin to address the shit show that was last night’s season finale of The Bachelor, I have a bone to pick with all of you. For weeks, all I have been hearing is unfounded confirmation that Caila was in line to be the next Bachelorette.  Assuming all you dumb dumbs knew what you were talking about, I spent two weeks writing down jokes about what an odd choice Caila was and how weird it would be to have our first half human-half Muppet Bachelorette.  But what happens last night? Ol’ Chris Harrison goes and announces Chesty JoJo as the next Bachelorette overlord. Are you shitting me? What am I supposed to do with two full pages of Muppet/Hapa jokes? Answer me!

I didn't even want her. Why did I do all this?

With that bit of rage out of my system, let’s transition into a completely different type of anger and discuss last night’s finale episode of The Bachelor.

Chris Harrison is in the studio again tonight to introduce the show/fill time. His presence prior to After The Final Rose is as unwelcome as it is unnecessary, but this is The Bachelor, so it is also unfortunately expected. Keeping with his usual though process of, “Hey, wouldn’t if be terrible if (fill in the blank),” Chris has decided to pressure Ben into getting married tonight. In order to show just how serious he is, he’s even invited the families of both contestants, jeweler Neil Lane, and Ben’s hometown pastor. I have no idea what kind of pastor accepts an invitation to bring together in holy matrimony two people on a polyamorous reality TV show, but my guess is a shitty pastor.

Stop reading that book! You already know what's in there!

In any case, Ben and the ladies are back in Jamaica for this final week. During the first of what must have been 12 montages detailing their final hours of fame, the contestants reflected on their time on the show. Both women stress how much they love Ben and would be devastated were he to not choose them. Ben is also conflicted, albeit in an incredibly stupid way. “My head is a mess,” Ben says, “I can’t help how I feel.” True, Ben can’t help how he feels, but he can help how he acts. I have a lot of feelings about a lot of people but I don’t share them with everyone. If I did, I would be in jail, or at the very least unemployable.

As one does before getting engaged, Ben is now tasked with introducing the women to his parents. Ben’s mom immediately becomes my favorite person when she describes the entire situation as, “really disturbing to me.” God bless you, Amy Higgins. God bless you.

The Bachelorette 2017

Both women’s parental meetings went as smoothly as one could expect. Lauren tells both of Ben’s parents she is ready to be engaged, which they are able to fake smile through. JoJo, on the other hand, stresses how safe Ben makes her feel to his father. David (Ben’s father) really likes JoJo, though he can’t quite articulate why. Gee, I wonder what reason (boobs) David could have (boobs) for being so interested (boobs) in JoJo. The mystery lives on.

Next came Lauren’s final date with Ben as confused as ever. The two made out on a boat for some time before Lauren realized that he seemed conflicted. “He’s thinking about something, but I don’t know what,” she said, completely forgetting everything that had happened to her in the last two months. Eventually, Ben confessed to her that he was nervous because nothing bad had happened yet in their relationship. This is a completely valid reason to be trepidatious about any relationship. Lauren continues to not understand his concerns, however, saying, “I didn’t overthink it as much as I thought I would!” Good for you, Lauren, but overthinking things was never really your problem, was it?

The fourth stooge.

After leaving a confident (if not slightly clueless) Lauren, Ben goes on his final date with JoJo. In a last ditch effort by The Bachelor producers to put JoJo in another swimsuit, she and Ben go for some swimming and general groping in a local lagoon. JoJo, who turns every TV into a 3D TV, tells Ben she is concerned about the distance between their hometowns. Ben reacts as if he just realized that Dallas and Denver were nowhere near each other. Because it is a mantra for the contestants on this show to never be controversial in any way, JoJo immediately walks back her concerns by telling Ben she would move anywhere for him and avoids a painful geography lesson.

Later in the night, JoJo and Ben retreat to her room for drinks. She admits that she is nervous about their relationship, saying, “I’ve only been scared a few times in my life.” Seriously? You’ve only been scared “a few times” in your life? What world do you live in where scary things happen so infrequently? As a single woman in America, you would be justified in being scared every single day.

Ben tries to reassure JoJo that their relationship is perfect and he wouldn’t change a thing. She doesn’t completely buy it and locks herself in the bathroom with Ben to avoid the producers. Behind closed doors, she asks if he also loves Lauren, to which he responds, “Yes.” After some halfhearted consoling from Ben, JoJo ends the night crying alone in her room.

Don't feel too bad. This is how we met her.

Finished with the final dates, Ben sits down with the tacky jeweler himself, Neil Lane. Neil asks Ben if he knows who he has chosen yet, which gives Ben pause. After a brief moment to collect his thoughts, Ben says that he has. As we would later find out, Ben asked himself, “Which woman can I not live without?” to make his decision. Excuse me for a moment while I have a quick aside with Ben.

Ben, what the fuck have you been doing for the last two months? That is the only question you are supposed to be asking during this entire competition and you just now realized it on the last day of filming? There is literally nothing else you have to worry about, except finding a woman you cannot live without. That is your one job. You don’t have to set up the dates or even pay for them. Hell, you barely have to be interesting. All you have to do is find a woman to propose to, and you forgot about it until the very last night. I’m not disappointed in you, Ben. I’m actually mad.

Who could have known this guy would turn out to be kind of stupid?

At the final rose ceremony, JoJo is the first to arrive. As we all know, this means she will be eliminated from competition. After a long walk to Ben and a lengthy speech, Ben finally tells JoJo, “I found love with you, but I found it with someone else more.” For being someone Ben claimed to love, he sure let JoJo get a long way into the ceremony before dumping her. Call me crazy, but if I loved someone I wouldn’t drag out our breakup  on national TV in the name of entertainment. But hey, what do I know? I’m just a human being with feelings and empathy.

Ben sheds a brief tear over JoJo before picking up the phone to call Lauren’s dad to ask for his blessing. Given that it would probably not look great for him to say no and call Ben a creep in primetime, Mr. B relents.

With her father’s blessing, Ben proposes to Lauren. She of course says yes, and the two are whisked out of sight, hopefully forever.

Goodnight, and good riddance.

I wish After the Final Rose was more interesting than it really was. Ben says that the show was difficult, but worth it. He and JoJo have a completely civil conversation about their breakup and each speaks highly of the other. Ben and Lauren come out for the first time as a couple and do couple shit in front of everyone. Chris Harrison tried to convince them to get married in the remaining ten minutes of airtime, but they refused. There was a brief moment of surprise when Jimmy Kimmel interrupted to ask Ben how sex worked and if he was having it, but it blended in with the rest of the monotony. All in all, it was time filling for time filling’s sake.

A sincere thank you is due to everyone who read these dumb thoughts all season. I genuinely don’t know if I will do this again for The Bachelorette. If I do, I’ll see you all at the end of May for JoJo’s season. If not, goodbye forever.


Gossip Squirrel

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

The Bachelor Episode 9: Like A Little Kid

Not that it should come as a surprise to anyone, but I was a little saltier than normal while watching this week's episode of The Bachelor. I’m sure it was in large part due to increasing responsibilities outside of This Is Brutal, but it was at least partially due to the current presidential race. The fact that a reality TV star has gotten this far in the Republican nomination and it isn’t Chris Harrison is a travesty. Think about it. Chris is used to being on TV, has perfect hair, and, most importantly, is a white male. That screams Republican nominee if I’ve ever heard it.


This week, The Bachelor gang packs up their bikinis and V-neck shirts and travels to Jamaica. Upon their arrival, Ben says, "This place is a paradise!" This is true so long as you don't go more than 500 yards inland, where gang warfare, sex trafficking, and extreme poverty are the norm. Other than that, it is a very pretty country. Ben also said that Jamaica seems like, "a great place to fall in love." I know this is basically a catch phrase of the show but it makes no sense. If you're only just now falling in love, what have you been doing for the past eight weeks?

Ben then recaps each of the women in case you are just watching this show for the first time or are a goldfish.

Like I said, saltier than normal.

Basically me, only with accomplishments.

During the commercial break, Manwich ran an absolutely incomprehensible ad using Bachelor contestants’ quotes to sell canned “meat”. Dumb as it may be, the ad makes sense. Both brands treat their products like pieces of meat, while simultaneously not selling meat at all

Ben's first date was with Caila, a woman who grows tinier and more adorable with each passing week. I am genuinely concerned that if this trend continues, Caila will have turned into a Pixar character within the year.

But I digress. Ben and Caila's date consisted mostly of sitting in silence on a Cast Away style raft floating down a Jamaican river. I wish I could say more happened on the date, but that would be a lie. It was just a man and a woman slowly and quietly floating down a river together. The whole date seemed like how the rafting trip in Deliverance was supposed to go.

Fun with friends!

The date’s silence was a pleasant break for my sanity, but apparently it was a bit awkward for both Caila and Ben. Caila is nervous about the two other women Ben is simultaneously dating, while Ben is nervous that Caila is stressed because, “If Caila is too in her own head tonight it will affect our relationship.” You know what will also affect your relationship, Ben? Not asking your girlfriend what is wrong when she seems uncomfortable. Seriously, no one expects perfection from you, just a base level of human decency.

As was the apparent theme of their date, nothing else of note happened between Ben and Caila. They ate dinner, swam in the ocean, and enjoyed a night in the fantasy suite.

The next date was Lauren's. On the prospect of her first date in several days, Lauren said, "I'm excited to see Ben and maybe spend the night with him! I'm like a little kid!" Wording, Lauren. Unless children are clamoring to sleep with Ben Higgins, you should really rethink your wording.

That baby looks appropriately terrified.

On their date, Ben and Lauren helped Mel (a local marine biologist) release baby sea turtles into the ocean. “Lauren B and I are helping turtles survive,” Ben triumphantly announced with the confidence and understanding of a 6 year-old. How old is the “I like turtles” video? Is there a chance that the kid in that video is just a young Ben Higgins? I really hope so.

After the couple finished tossing baby turtles into the ocean, Ben tells Lauren about his conversation with her sister. Ben recounts how he cried because Lauren is too good for him. Lauren is then moved to tears because Ben is too good for her. If you’ve ever been a third wheel with a new couple, you know exactly what watching this date was like.

Eventually, Lauren is able to muster up the courage to tell Ben that she loves him. In a surprise move, Ben tells Lauren that he loves her too. For anyone not in the know, the Bachelor is not supposed to say, “I love you” to a contestant because it ruins the outcome of the show and is pretty shitty to the other contestants. Not one to avoid shittiness, Ben says it multiple times throughout the date. Oh, and in case you were wondering, Ben tells Lauren he loves her again in the morning, so he wasn’t just drunk.

The final date of the evening went to JoJo. She and Ben went swimming underneath an absolutely gorgeous set of waterfalls. While swimming, I noticed for the first time that Ben has a tattoo. There was no real way to make out what it said, but it’s safe to assume it was a bible quote. Given the nature of the show he could have gone with Ephesians 5:22 “Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do the Lord.” He also could have gone with Proverbs 31:10 “A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies.” However, given Ben’s apparent stupidity and probable illiteracy, he probably went with Stone Cold 3:16 “I just whooped your ass.”

The Bachelor 2017

In a near mirror image of a previous date, JoJo finally tells Ben that she loves him and Ben responds with, “I love you too.” JoJo responds somewhat hilariously with a shocked, “What?!” as she either knew Ben wasn’t supposed to say that or was really hoping he wouldn’t reciprocate. At this point, The Bachelor is basically a glorified marketing platform, so I really have no idea which one it was.

JoJo would later go on to accept the fantasy suite date. In what was the most perfectly redundant Bachelor thing I have ever seen, they traveled to their suite in a helicopter and then soaked in a hot tub. The hot tub I understand; dating multiple women is stressful and sometimes you need to relax. But why so much air travel? Is Ben just trying to earn frequent flyer miles?

Gee, I wonder who is going home this week?

The morning after their fantasy suite date, JoJo says about Ben leaving, “I wish he wasn’t leaving. That is brutal!” So close, JoJo. So Close.

Once Ben is on his own, he reveals that he doesn’t feel the same way about Caila that he does about Lauren and JoJo. “At the rose ceremony I’ll be breaking a woman’s heart.” You know, Ben, you could just save her the embarrassment and do it now. That would be the normal thing to do for a person with feelings and a sense of decency. No? Your plan is to wait until the rose ceremony? Ok, I understand. That’s pretty in line with every other shitty thing you’ve done this season.

As if the producers heard my angry yells, Caila is prompted to make a surprise visit to Ben’s suite. She sneaks up and surprises him in what had to be the most uncomfortable but deserved surprise since To Catch A Predator went off the air. Ben is visibly uncomfortable and sits Caila down for another awkward conversation.

Chris Hansen, the 90's Chris Harrison

Ben tries to break up with Caila quickly, but she is having none of it. After he tells her, “It’s hard to say goodbye,” Caila fires back with, “That sounds like a line.” She also questions how long he has felt this way, which Ben most certainly has been lying about, but denies. He tries to justify his actions towards Caila, but his Bachelor sense kicks in and he ends up just recapping the show. Well done, Bachelor producers. You have taught Ben well.

Caila hugs Ben goodbye saying, “I really did love you,” as she cries adorable tears out of her adorable face. For the first time all season I feel a twinge of emotion and my heart grew three sizes.

Caila, while leaving,

The show ends with a rose ceremony, because even the producers knew that there wasn’t enough material to fill two hours without it. Both Lauren and JoJo get a rose, each unaware that Ben has said, “I love you” to the other. How I wish someone on the production staff has slipped them a note with that information so they could have left Ben alone in his Jamaican “paradise.”

Next week is the “Women Tell All” episode and I couldn’t be more excited. Mostly I just want to see Lace sober (ish) for the first time in months. If she’s not the next Bachelorette I will complain online.


Gossip Squirrel